Legal notices

Legal notices Presentation

of the site According to article 6 of law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy, the identity of the different stakeholders involved in the implementation and monitoring of the site is hereby specified to its users:

This site is published by: Les Chalets des Mosses, SA – which is domiciled at Route du Col des Mosses 104 1862 Les Mosses

  • Person responsible for publication: Hôtel Le Relais Alpin, which can be contacted by phone at +41 (0)244910500 and by email at info@leschaletsdesmosses.chSite;
  • webmaster: Fastbooking, available by phone on request;
  • Site host: (on request), who is domiciled (on request) and reachable by phone at (on request).

Intellectual property and counterfeits

The Hotel Le Relais Alpin company owns the intellectual property rights or holds the rights to use all the elements available on the site, in particular: the texts, images, graphics, logo and icons.
Any reproduction, modification, publication or adaptation of all or part of the site, regardless of the means or process, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the Hotel Le Relais Alpin company.
Any unauthorised use of the site or its contents will be considered to constitute an infringement, and will be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

Cookies and trackers

The website has an audience measurement system and a social network sharing function.
In application of the European directive called “telecom package”, Internet users must be informed and give their consent prior to the insertion of trackers (more commonly called “cookies”). Internet users must have the option to choose not to be traced when they visit a site or use an app. Website publishers therefore have the obligation to seek prior consent from users.
Disabling cookies may make it impossible to access certain services. The user can however configure their internet browser to disable cookies.

Audience measurement

Audience measurement cookies are small files that make it possible to ascertain and analyse website traffic statistics: the pages visited, the number of visits, the bounce rate, the origin of the visits, etc. The audience measurement cookies are completely anonymous.
On this site, the Google Analytics solution is used to measure the audience.

Social networks

Cookies related to social networks are associated with buttons that facilitate the sharing of pages and articles on social networks.

Contact form and comments

You may be required to indicate your email address when filling out our contact form or submitting a comment on one of the articles on the site
Under no circumstances will your email address be transferred to third parties.

Moderation of comments

The choice to validate a comment on the site is left to the complete discretion of the person responsible for publication. Comments can be deleted, modified and corrected to be better understood by visitors (especially in terms of spelling).
The user can sign their comment with their name or nickname, or the name of their company. They can also enter a URL in the “website” field. This link may not appear if it was judged that the comment does not really add value to the article. This applies even if the comment is published.
Here are examples of cases where a comment may be moderated or suppressed:

  • It has been removed by anti-spam
  • It does not really add value and is not useful for users
  • It is riddled with spelling mistakes or is incomprehensible
  • It seems to have been added for a self-promotional purpose only
  • The email indicated is obviously false
  • It is considered defamatory for a third party




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You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each newsletter.
Under no circumstances will your email address be transferred to third parties.


Hypertext links

This website contains a number of hypertext links to other sites. However, is not able to follow and check the content of these sites, and therefore assumes no liability thereof.


RSS feeds

The RSS feeds are exclusively intended for site visitors for personal use and cannot be used to feed other sites, except with prior written permission of

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